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Background: COVID-19 vaccination could be a safe and effective approach to manage the pandemic and to forestall its associated morbidity and mortality. To our information, a study to assess the prevalence of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among pregnant mothers. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among pregnant mothers attending prenatal care.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Non probability purposive sampling technique was chosen to select 165 study participants. The questionnaire contained: socio-demographic characteristic of the study respondents, knowledge, practice of the study respondents on COVID-19 preventive measures, and intention of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among pregnant women. A structured interview was used to collect the data. Data were entered into excel sheet and exported to SPSS for analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used.

Results: The COVID-19 vaccine acceptance was found to be 92%.  Majority (47.2%) of mothers had adequate knowledge and 70.3% had good practice towards COVID-19 and its preventive measures.

Conclusion: COVID-19 vaccine acceptance was found to be 92%. Maternal age (25–33) years, secondary maternal educational status, good knowledge, and good practice of pregnant mothers towards COVID-19 and its preventive measures were factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. Health care providers should provide health education to pregnant mothers to increase their knowledge about the diseases and disseminate leaflets regarding COVID-19 preventive measures. Moreover, before initiation of COVID-19 vaccine administration to pregnant mothers they must promote the protection and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine.


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