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Ginger The Natural Medicine

Binu Joe, Anu Joykutty


Ginger is a shared ingredient in Asian and Indian cuisine. However, ginger has been utilized for its medicinal characteristics for centuries among many cultures. Ginger has a long history of use for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain. The origin or secretive stem (rhizome) of the ginger plant can be spent fresh, powdered, dehydrated as a spice, in oil form or as juice. Ginger is section of the Zingiberaceae family, alongside cardamom and turmeric, and is commonly grown in India, Jamaica, Fiji, Indonesia and Australia.
Summary statement
• Ginger is among the healthiest spices on the planet which has lot of medicinal values.
• Ginger medicinal properties are unfolded here in this article. Ginger can solve digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain.
• Ginger helps in improving brain function and give protection against Alzheimer’s disease. Ginger extracts can be used to prevent various forms of cancer.

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