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An Exploratory Study to Assess Knowledge and Attitude of Mothers Regarding Prevention and Management of Tetanus among Children in Selected Rural Areas, Ludhiana, Punjab

Manvirpal Kaur, Sapna Batish


Introduction: To assess the attitude of mothers regarding prevention and management of tetanus among children; To find out correlation between knowledge and attitude of mothers regarding prevention and management of tetanus among children; To find out the relationship of mothers’ knowledge regarding prevention and management of tetanus among children with selected variables, i.e., age of mother, education of mother, occupation of mother, number of children, type of family, family monthly income, source of information, health facilities. Methods: The conceptual framework was developed on the basis of “Modified Three Phase theory of Task Performance” described by PM Fitts and IM Posner (1969). An explorative design was adopted for the study. Convenient sampling was used and 100 samples were selected. The tool used had three sections: Section-A consists of socio demographic data from respondents, Section-B consists of self- structured knowledge questionnaire of 30 items with 6 subareas and Section-C consists of self-structured attitude scale consisting of 20 statements. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Bar-diagrams were used to depict the findings and to interpret the data. Results: The study findings were as 40% respondents had average knowledge regarding prevention and management of tetanus among children and least (10%) respondents had excellent knowledge regarding prevention and management of tetanus among children. Overall mean knowledge score was 18.45. Respondents had maximum mean percentage knowledge (74.75%) in areas of introduction, and least mean percentage knowledge (54.85%) in the areas of sign and symptoms. Education of mother, source of information and health facilities had significant impact on knowledge of respondents. Conclusion: The study concluded that mothers had average knowledge and positive attitude regarding prevention and management of tetanus among children on the basis of findings. The mean knowledge and attitude score of rural mothers’ education, source of information and health facilities were found statically significant at p<0.05 level. Guidelines for mothers regarding prevention and management of tetanus among children were prepared.

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