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Obesity in Children and Preventive Measures

Chinna Devi M.


Obesity among adolescents has emerged as a growing global health crisis, demanding urgent attention due to its substantial impact on both the health care system and individuals. This concerning trend is largely attributed to a combination of factors, including the widespread consumption of fatty foods and diets high in sugar, a lack of physical activity, and the prevalence of tobacco smoking among young people. Pediatric obesity, in particular, has become a matter of increasing concern, affecting virtually all organ systems in the body. Its prevalence is on the rise, even among very young children, underscoring the urgency of addressing this issue. The effects of childhood obesity have wide-ranging implications that persist into one’s adult years. These consequences encompass a heightened risk of developing various serious health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and certain types of cancer, later in life. Furthermore, childhood obesity is associated with social challenges and an increased likelihood of experiencing depression during adolescence. To combat the obesity epidemic among adolescents, a multifaceted approach is essential. Nutrition and exercise play pivotal roles in prevention efforts. Encouraging healthier dietary habits, including reduced consumption of fatty and sugary foods, and promoting regular physical activity are key strategies to mitigate the impact of obesity in this age group. Comprehensive and coordinated efforts across health care, education, and the public health sectors are needed to address this pressing issue and promote the long-term well-being of adolescents.

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