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Electronics Cooling Study of a CPU Using Forced Convection

Kancherla Shanmukh


In this study, the performance of an air-cooled, flat-plate heat sink in forced convection was calculated using a three-dimensional analytical model. This study investigates the impact of heat sink thermal performance and external variables on the heat sink's thermal stress stability, which is critical for manufacturers' objectives. The influence of various characteristics on the heat transfer rate from the surface of a heat sink was examined. The results showed that convection-radiation heat transfer reduced the temperature by about 65 % of its initial value. To increase the air-cooling performance of plate-fin heat sinks, the slotted fin concept was used. The integral plate fin, discrete plate fin, and discrete slotted fin heat sinks were all subjected to numerical simulations of laminar heat transfer and flow pressure decrease. Discrete plate fin performance is better than integrated continuous plate fin performance at the same fan pumping power, and slotted fin performance is better than discrete plate fin performance. The authors then propose a novel sort of heat sink with discrete and slotted fin surfaces, thinner fins, and fewer intervals between fins. The Preliminary results had shown that a good cooling system with a reasonable convection coefficient of ambient air can result in good performance of the system. The findings and conclusions of this investigation will be presented in a future paper. This Analysis include 3D simulation, Designing of required parts and study on the obtained results.


Three-dimensional analysis, computer cooling technology, air-cooled heat sink, forced convection, thermal performance

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