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Developing a Python-based Chatbot Library SansArLIB for Advanced Communication: A Comparative Study with Baseline Chatbots

Prafull Pandey, Ashish Dwivedi, Sanskar Khanna, Arvind Kumar Sahu


The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a Python-based library called "SansArLIB" for improving chatbot technology. The library was designed to provide developers with a comprehensive set of tools and resources for creating more advanced chatbots that can better understand and respond to user queries. The study involved developing the library and testing it across three different chatbot scenarios. The results showed that the SansArLIB library had an average accuracy of 92.0%, with a standard deviation of 2.3%, and a mean user satisfaction score of 87.5%, with a standard deviation of 2.2%. The average response time was found to be 1.9 seconds, with a standard deviation of 0.5 seconds, while the mean turn-taking time and dialog duration were found to be 1.5 seconds and 6.4 seconds, respectively. These results demonstrate that the SansArLIB library can significantly improve the performance of chatbots and enhance the user experience. This research contributes to the ongoing efforts to advance chatbot technology and provides a valuable resource for developers seeking to create more sophisticated and user-friendly chatbots. Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular in various industries, from customer service to e-commerce. However, designing and developing an effective chatbot can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to handling complex communication scenarios. In this paper, we present SansArLIB, a Python library that provides a comprehensive set of tools for chatbot developers. The library includes various data related to chatbot communication, such as pre-built chatbot templates, conversation models, and AI algorithms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SansArLIB through a case study where we use it to build a chatbot for a customer support service.

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