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Algorithms in Data Mining

Deepak Moud, Ravneet Singh


Data mining is a technique in which we search huge data stores to find unseen patterns that cannot be evaluated using simple analysis i.e. it is the process of examining, evaluating large and complex databases and to create new information from that data and find patterns hidden inside it. It is a process that uses raw data and converts it into useful and important information. As methods that are used in it are mostly always mathematically complex. The use of data mining techniques, algorithms, methodology and tools is done for discovering data patterns. It uses different computational algorithms to divide the given data and calculate the probability of various upcoming events of real world. Every model is processed by some algorithm. More than one algorithm is used sometimes to solve a problem. There are many algorithms that can be used, and we will be discussing some of the algorithms used for data mining along with their classification, impacts and reviews.

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