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Smart Autonomous Manhole Directory

Amita Agnihotri, Krishna Gusain, Udit Aggarwal, Ayush Narayan, Gaurav Pandey


In this work, an Embedded based IoT platform is used to make a module that will modernize the manhole operating, by converting them into a smart manhole. Here Arduino Mega is used as the microcontroller, different sensors are used to analyse the relative environment inside the Manhole.
Arduino IDE is used to do the programming of the microcontroller. We have incorporated different libraries to support the working of various sensors that are used in our module. Controlling &
supervising the drainage system is commentative to maintain the city clean and healthy. Because human monitoring is ineffective, drainage problems are handled slowly and take longer to resolve. To address all of these challenges, a system based on a wireless sensor network with sensor nodes has been developed. The suggested system is a low-cost, low-maintenance, IoT-based real-time system that sends an alarm to the managing station if a manhole's threshold values are exceeded. This technique lowers the risk of death for manual scavengers who clean underground sewage, while also
benefiting the general public. While the sewage preservation is not proper, approximately then the ground water gets contaminated lead to infectious diseases. Blockages in drains during monsoon season, will finally lead to the major problems in the Public routine. As a result, the municipal
corporation should have a system in place that alerts officials of sewer obstructions, their specific location, and whether the manhole top is open automatically.

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