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New Data Analysis Method based on L2-Metric over Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm

Swati Jain, Vikas Kumar Jain, Q Sunil Kumar Kashyap


L2-Metric is studied over Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm for analyzing the data. The characterization of L2-metric is generalised over the fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm by isomorphism. This paper presents a new technique of data analysis by Genetic Algorithm (GA), L2 metric and Fuzzy Logic. GA is the process for generating the best variable for the next operation. The data of student’s academic performance is studied as the application of GA. Next, the cluster is generated and L2 metric is applied on this. Thus a new cluster analysis came in the existence. This is based on Euclidean Distance Metric (EDM) or Metric. The advantages of this method are efficient and simple. Finally, it requires a logical study. For this fuzzy logical based cluster analysis is illustrated in this chapter.

Keywords: FL, GA, L2 Metric, EDM

Cite this Article: Swati Jain, Vikas Kumar Jain, Sunil Kumar Kashyap. New Data Analysis Method based on L2-Metric over Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Digital Communication and Analog Signals. 2019; 5 (1): 13–18p.

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