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Education Degree Fraud Detection and Student Certificate Verification using Blockchain Technology

Nisha Shashikant Jagtap, Shivani Shahaji Jadhav, Parimal Ganesh Sawant, Pragati Pejlekar


To verify the genuineness of an educational degree and certificates and to avoid the fraudulent activities by corrupted officers we tend to propose a system that employs a digital signature scheme and timestamps using blockchain technology. Because the range of universities and tertiary education students, the quantity of radiates is continually increasing. thanks to this certification method of those degree certificates generates heaps of latest job opportunities. The abrupt changes within the technology and development of latest technologies like blockchain is booming, the implementation of blockchain exploitation blockcerts software provides us an answer of plausible business models. During this paper, the price of the service has been balanced between graduates and leader on the main stakeholders of that service using two financial models. A signal check of certificates for college students is finished at low value and a simple check of the believability of the certificate is finished from and trustable supply whereas recruiting by the leader.

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