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i18n Framework in C++

Kalyan Kumar Jena


Internationalization is the process to make software to be well adaptable of different languages and more regional across the world without changing its core details. This internationalization, alternatively abbreviated as i18n which signifies the number of letters in between i and n of the former term. As most users prefer to interact with systems using their own regional languages and cultural conventions. This creates a challenge for the software developers to build the applications according to the above mentioned specification. It requires, making the program code generic and flexible so that the application can be easily understood by common people as well as customers around the world. Hence the software needs to be localized by adding locale-specific components (e.g. Currency, Time zone, Calendar etc.) and translating text. In this paper we have described of how i18n is being implemented using C++ and what things have been considered in developing the software application.

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