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Analysis of Sustainability Aspects of the Use of Collection and Delivery Points in the Last Mile of Cargo Transportation

Gustavo Henrique Freitas Matinha, Carlos Eduardo Sanches de Andrade, Cintia Isabel de Campos


The huge growth in purchases made digitally, which began with the Covid-19 pandemic, makes it difficult for companies to deliver a large volume of orders to an increasingly dispersed area, and quickly. There is a need to optimize the delivery in the final stage of order transport, the so-called last mile. This work conducted a systematic literature review on the use of collection and delivery points by consumers, focusing on sustainability aspects. The research was carried out at the end of 2022, in three languages and on three different platforms, in order to expand the reach of consultation sources. 31 works relating to this topic were identified and selected, with authors from different nationalities, with each of the five continents represented at least once. By implementing a delivery in which the customer is responsible for completing the last mile, as opposed to traditional home delivery, the results point to a large reduction in failed deliveries, as well as a reduction in pollutant emissions, congestion and mileage average traveled. Difficulties in implementing this delivery modality in the Brazilian context were discussed.

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