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Effect of Manure on the Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil

Aragaw Simegn, Israel Zewdie I.


Manure is the rotten form of dead plants and animals. It is organic matter that is used as organic
fertilizer in agriculture and donate to the fertility of soil by adding organic matter and nutrients, and
it can be classified as animal manure, green manure, and compost manure. To meet the nutrient
requirement of crop using organic manures would be an inevitable practice in the years to come for
sustainable agriculture since organic manures commonly improve the soil’s physical, chemical, and
biological properties. Manure application can improve soil fertility and crop yield, however,
knowledge of optimum application rates of manure is needed to prevent negative impact on soil and
the environment. Application of manure plays a vital role in the progress of soil’s physical properties
such as soil structure, soil texture, porosity, and water holding capacity, and chemical properties like
caution exchange capacity, electrical conductivity, and soil pH but its reduction in penetration
resistance, bulk density or compactness improve biological properties of fauna and flora, but surplus
manure application can have unfavorable effects on the environment.

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