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Pre-extension Demonstration of Improved Cassava Technologies with Chopping Device at Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Lakamo Liben, Melese Ejamo, Abebaw Bergena


The production and use of cassava is not well known to farmers, although there are several local varieties of cassava that have been used for food security purposes at different times in drought-prone areas of the Gofa Zone, Southern region. To address this issue, the Arba Minch Agricultural Research Center conducted an adaptation trial of the improved cassava varieties Chichu and Hawassa-04 at the station level and obtained promising results. However, the socio-economic profitability, farmers’ preference and chopping method were not evaluated and not introduced under farmers’ conditions of the study areas. Therefore, this study aims to demonstrate improved cassava technologies with chopping device at Demba Gofa and Zala
districts of Gofa Zone from 2022 to 2023. The districts were selected based on the technological gap in cassava production. 1 kebele from each district and 5 farmers from each kebele were selected based on their cassava growing experience, willingness and land availability. Training was provided to farmers and stakeholders. It was planted in 10m x 20m with 100 cm b/n rows and 100 cm b/n plant with 25 cutting per plot. NPS: 100 kg ha-1andUREA: 100kgha-1. All recommended farming practices were applied equally to all plots and the fields were properly managed. Data were collected through measurements, interviews, and photographs. Yield, farmer’s preference, and cost benefit data were analyzed using mean, percentage, and the
feedback data’s were analyzed qualitatively. The average yield in ton ha-1 of Hawassa-04 was promising in farmers' fields at both sites and showed 77.5 in Demba Gofa and 48.75 in Zala, followed by Chichu also giving 61.3 in Demba Gofa and 40.5 in Zala. Early maturity, tuber yield, disease resistance, cooking time, size and shape are common selection criteria. In both places, Hawassa-04 performed better and was more profitable, followed by Chichu and local testing. Using a chopper also saves time. In both locations, Hawassa-04 out performs and more profitable followed by Chichu and local check. The use of chopping device also saves time.Therefore, the extension system of the respective districts and similar agro-ecologies should popularize this variety with chopping device through facilitating the technologies and participating the concerned bodies.


Cassava, chopping device, chichu, Gofa, Hawassa-04, perception score, pre-extension

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