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Sustainability and its Importance Today

Sakshi Aggarwal


There is no universally arranged upon definition of sustainability. There are many different views on it and how it can be achieved and applied in our daily lifestyle and in the construction industry.

“Sustainability means preserving the future for the next generation”. Knowing about the reduction of available resources of energy and materials, Architects today are converging on preserving them for the future generations. For any development to be defined as Sustainable, Architects need to focus on its restoring, enduring and regenerative factors. Though, in its simplest form, sustainability can be recognized as the longevity or lasting capability of a particular system (Figure 1).

The idea of sustainability stems from the concept of sustainable development which has been quoted in the Brundtland Commission Report as; “The development that meets the needs of the present without conceding the capability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

Anyone involved in the building design, procurement or maintenance in recent years will have been challenged in one way or another by the term sustainability. It is generally agreed that sustainability primarily affects the way we live, consequently, personal ethics will influence the way an individual interprets its goals.

Like Architecture as a whole, sustainability involves addressing a wide spectrum of issues, sometimes, apparently, contradictory ones. Acquiring a basic knowledge of these issues is the first step towards forming or clarifying personal values and moving towards a sustainable future.

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